
The exquisite restaurant Fratelli is situated in the very heart of Odesa, next to renowned Opera House. The main concept of the facility is ecology-friendly cuisine – exclusively fresh ingredients and purified water are used. The Fratelli menu features authentic Italian dishes. In addition, there is a vast range of wines. The guests can take advantage of corkfee service, so one can bring his own bottle of wine, absent in the restaurant wine cellar, and pay only fee for its corkage. The restaura
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Situated in Kharkiv historical center, the restaurant Shato is a perfect place, where one can rest from the urban hustle and bustle and enjoy irreproachable dishes. The facility specializes on dainty French culinary masterpieces. An extensive wine list, featuring the best French, Italian, Argentinean, Spanish, Chilean, Georgian and Ukrainian wines, as well as beer, coffee and tea lists are at guests’ disposal. The restaurant has two main rooms for 40 seats each, VIP room for 7 seats and summer t
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The restaurant Compote is one of the best facilities of the restaurant company Resta that is situated in Odesa's main street. Old objects from the second half of the last century were used in its cozy interiors' creation. Restaurant's menu is based on exquisite European dishes, and its specialty drink is, of course, compote. Very tasty pastry, wide assortment of alcoholic drinks and various cocktails are also served here. The guests may take seats in one of restaurant's three lounges (total capa
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Ресторан Patio di Fiori – первый ресторан высокой кухни в Луцке. Он находится в здании одноименного отеля, расположенного недалеко от центра города. В его меню – изысканные блюда европейской кухни и авторские деликатесы от шеф-повара, которые тут готовят из натуральных высококачественных продуктов. Среди популярных позиций – каре новозеландского ягненка, брускетта с маринованной телятиной, карпаччо из норвежского лосося, французские мидии в прованском стиле, куриные крылышки на гриле, стейк из
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The restaurant Primorsky Bulvar is situated in Sevastopol’s historical center, not far from its key sights. Facility’s menu consists of the most popular European, Mediterranean and French dishes. There is a wide bar list. Three winter rooms and a summer terrace, featuring splendid views of the Artillery Bay, are at guests’ disposal. Live instrumental music sounds at Primorsky Bulvar in the evening.
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Located in city’s downtown, the fashionable restaurant Old Continent is a part of the namesake hotel and restaurant complex. Dainty European and Ukrainian dishes are offered here. The accent is made on natural ingredients and quality cooking. The main menu is harmonically supplemented by rich wine list. Old Continent has four rooms – Versailles (40 seats, non-smoking,) European (60 seats), Onyx (24 seats), VIP-room London’s (12 seats) – and a summer terrace Three Graces (100 seats.)
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Кафе «Базилик», расположенное рядом со сквером Героев Майдана, это заведение семейного типа с вкусной разнообразной кухней, приятной обстановкой и отменным сервисом. Оно специализируется на традиционных итальянских блюдах и предлагает более двадцати видов пиццы на тонком тесте, в том числе авторской. В его меню – итальянская классика: карпаччо из лосося с рукколой и пармезаном, филе форели с картофельным пюре, бифштекс, фаршированный моцарелой и овощами, фирменный стейк «Базилик» с овощами грил
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Situated not far from the metro station Universitet, the downtown restaurant Shoti is a fortunate symbiosis of different gastronomic traditions and cozy atmosphere. Facility’s menu consists of Ukrainian and Caucasian cuisines’ masterpieces. Rich wine list, featuring the best drinks from Georgia, Italy, France and Chile, and a great beer selection are at guests’ disposal. In addition, there are tea and coffee lists. Shoti’s guests can take seats in the cozy main room or on the spacious summer ter
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Пиццерия «Феличита», расположенная в центральной части Луцка, напоминает классический итальянский ресторанчик с аутентичной кухней и по-домашнему уютной атмосферой. Основу меню заведения составляют разные виды пиццы на тонком хрустящем тесте, которую здесь готовят на живом огне в настоящей дровяной печи, и другие традиционные итальянские блюда: феттучини с курицей и грибами, спагетти карбонара, ризотто, карпаччо из телятины. Тут также предлагают знаменитые итальянские десерты и большой выбор из
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The art café Manufactura is located in Ivano-Frankivsk’s very center, not far from the main city square. Facility’s menu is based on European cuisine. One of art café’s specialties is 20 kinds of Belgian waffles and a vast coffee list. The Manufactura’s small cozy room can accommodate up to 40 guests.
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