
Situated near the subway station Ploshcha Lva Tolstoho, the restaurant Under Wonder draws with exquisite cuisine, original interior and first-rate service. Facility's menu is based on the Italian cuisine, adapted to national mentality. Under Wonder's salt is the so called table of abundance with various supplements to the dishes: freshly baked bread, and seasonings and spices to diversify the range of dish's taste Natural materials, used in the rooms' decor, create an inimitable atmosphere of wa
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Situated on the 28th kilometer of the Novaya Obukhovskaya highway, the country restaurant complex Bakinsky Bulvar is famous for its dainty cuisine and high-class service. Its menu is based on the variety of Caucasian dishes: shish kebabs, kebabs, entrecôtes, soups, as well as famous Azerbaijani sweets. Elite strong drinks from restaurant’s bar list’s wide assortment set off dishes’ taste. Besides the main building, restaurant complex’s territory includes cozy arbours and summer terrace, as well
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The art café Manufactura is located in Ivano-Frankivsk’s very center, not far from the main city square. Facility’s menu is based on European cuisine. One of art café’s specialties is 20 kinds of Belgian waffles and a vast coffee list. The Manufactura’s small cozy room can accommodate up to 40 guests.
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Located in the cellar premises at Dnipropetrovsk's very center, the original cafe 'Myshi Blyakhera' is designed as a second-hand bookstore. According to legend, facility's concept was born, when during renovations a note-book that previously was owned by some Mikhail Blyakher was found under the wooden floor. This diary contained personal records and simple culinary recipes. Mikhail, or as his friends nicknamed him, Mysha, was supposedly a businessman and was in charge at the vegetable warehouse
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Ресторан Patio di Fiori – первый ресторан высокой кухни в Луцке. Он находится в здании одноименного отеля, расположенного недалеко от центра города. В его меню – изысканные блюда европейской кухни и авторские деликатесы от шеф-повара, которые тут готовят из натуральных высококачественных продуктов. Среди популярных позиций – каре новозеландского ягненка, брускетта с маринованной телятиной, карпаччо из норвежского лосося, французские мидии в прованском стиле, куриные крылышки на гриле, стейк из
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Situated in the town's historical center, the restaurant 'Concord' is considered to be one of the best in Kyiv. It became a trendsetter for fusion-fashion in the capital and still remains a flagship of this creative culinary trend. 'Concord' has a history of many years and is famous for its creative cuisine that combines French, Oriental and Italian dishes, as well as new culinary techniques. Restaurant's Italian chef doesn't limit himself with conventions and boldly adds unusual ingredients to
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The art-restaurant Paris is situated in Kharkiv’s very heart, not far from the metro station Pushkinskaya. Its menu features dainty French dishes. There is a wide selection of cream soups, salads, side dishes, main courses and deserts. Restaurant’s special gastronomic feature is that all dishes are cooked exclusively on vegetable oil. There are six rooms: ‘Actor’ (emphasis on French cuisine), ‘Chocolate’ (emphasis on confectionery), ‘Belly of Paris’ (non-smoking room), ‘Behind the Scenes’ (cosmo
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The restaurant-brewery Kumpel is located in Lviv’s downtown, not far from the Svobody Square and Old Town’s major attractions. Restaurant’s menu is based on European and traditional Ukrainian dishes. Kumpel’s pride is its own brewery, where several kinds of live beer are brewed: light, amber and mishunk (mixture of light and amber beer.) Facility’s guests can make themselves comfortable in the upper room, intended for 44 people, lower non-smoking room for 14 guests, smoking room for 36 visitors
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The stylish atmosphere restaurant "Steakhouse. Meat and Wine" in the historical center of Odesa is one of the first conceptual facilities of the "Resta" restaurant corporation. It is famous for its original interior, cozy atmosphere, and in the first place for diverse and dainty menu. "Steakhouse. Meat and Wine" is a real creative laboratory of meat dishes, which functions in accordance with its individual techniques. All meat dishes are made in hospera, on natural coals under the temperature o
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Situated not far from the metro station Universitet, the downtown restaurant Shoti is a fortunate symbiosis of different gastronomic traditions and cozy atmosphere. Facility’s menu consists of Ukrainian and Caucasian cuisines’ masterpieces. Rich wine list, featuring the best drinks from Georgia, Italy, France and Chile, and a great beer selection are at guests’ disposal. In addition, there are tea and coffee lists. Shoti’s guests can take seats in the cozy main room or on the spacious summer ter
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