
Кафе-кондитерская «Говорит Ивано-Франковск», расположенная в самом центре города, – уютное и атмосферное заведение с огромным ассортиментом напитков, выпечки и сладостей. Тут предлагают 18 моносортов кофе, который готовят почти всеми возможными способами: по турецки, в френч-прессе, в кофеварке La Marzocco, в пуровере и аэропрессе. Из напитков здесь также доступны множество сортов чая (черный, зеленый, белый, фруктовый, травяной), молочные коктейли, горячий шоколад, а к ним – самые разнообразные
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Situated in the town's historical center, the restaurant 'Concord' is considered to be one of the best in Kyiv. It became a trendsetter for fusion-fashion in the capital and still remains a flagship of this creative culinary trend. 'Concord' has a history of many years and is famous for its creative cuisine that combines French, Oriental and Italian dishes, as well as new culinary techniques. Restaurant's Italian chef doesn't limit himself with conventions and boldly adds unusual ingredients to
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Located in city’s downtown, the fashionable restaurant Old Continent is a part of the namesake hotel and restaurant complex. Dainty European and Ukrainian dishes are offered here. The accent is made on natural ingredients and quality cooking. The main menu is harmonically supplemented by rich wine list. Old Continent has four rooms – Versailles (40 seats, non-smoking,) European (60 seats), Onyx (24 seats), VIP-room London’s (12 seats) – and a summer terrace Three Graces (100 seats.)
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Пиццерия «Феличита», расположенная в центральной части Луцка, напоминает классический итальянский ресторанчик с аутентичной кухней и по-домашнему уютной атмосферой. Основу меню заведения составляют разные виды пиццы на тонком хрустящем тесте, которую здесь готовят на живом огне в настоящей дровяной печи, и другие традиционные итальянские блюда: феттучини с курицей и грибами, спагетти карбонара, ризотто, карпаччо из телятины. Тут также предлагают знаменитые итальянские десерты и большой выбор из
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Ресторан Patio di Fiori – первый ресторан высокой кухни в Луцке. Он находится в здании одноименного отеля, расположенного недалеко от центра города. В его меню – изысканные блюда европейской кухни и авторские деликатесы от шеф-повара, которые тут готовят из натуральных высококачественных продуктов. Среди популярных позиций – каре новозеландского ягненка, брускетта с маринованной телятиной, карпаччо из норвежского лосося, французские мидии в прованском стиле, куриные крылышки на гриле, стейк из
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The cozy restaurant Dacha is situated in the restored ancient manor in the French Boulevard's park zone. The atmosphere of seaside holiday center of the 1930s is recreated here in full. Experienced chefs turn common, at first glance, products into true culinary masterpiece. Here everything is cooked with skill: miniature pelmeni and vareniki, crucians in sour cream, solyanka. Facility's specialty alcoholic drink is dacha's vodka: apple, soft, honey and holy grass. Four main lounges, spacious ver
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Situated on the 28th kilometer of the Novaya Obukhovskaya highway, the country restaurant complex Bakinsky Bulvar is famous for its dainty cuisine and high-class service. Its menu is based on the variety of Caucasian dishes: shish kebabs, kebabs, entrecôtes, soups, as well as famous Azerbaijani sweets. Elite strong drinks from restaurant’s bar list’s wide assortment set off dishes’ taste. Besides the main building, restaurant complex’s territory includes cozy arbours and summer terrace, as well
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Situated on the Maidan Nezalezhnosti, at the beginning of the Kostelnaya Street, the restaurant Très Français (French for 'very French') embodies its name surprisingly precisely: exquisite interior, mores, spirit, traditions and little rituals typical for France. On the first floor you will find the room 'Montmartre' with picturesque vinous decor and the bar paneled with wood. The room 'Jardin', braided with verdure and elegant forged fence, is located near it and the room 'Library' is somewhat
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The restaurant Familia is located in Kharkiv historical part, within a few steps from the metro station Arkhitektora Beketova. Facility’s menu features European dishes, recreated after Kharkiv restaurants’ ancient recipes. There is a decent drinks’ offer. The restaurant has three rooms: main (28 seats), gastronomic (6 seats) and banquet (40 seats), as well as a summer terrace (40 seats).
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The restaurant is located in the historical building at Dnipropetrovsk's very center - at the intersection of Karla Marksa Avenue and Barrikadnaya Street. The restaurant 'Reporter's menu includes culinary hits from different cuisines, but it's based on traditional European dishes. You may try simple well-known dishes and true gastronomic masterpieces here. 'Reporter' is a three layer complex with first-floor restaurant, coffee house and pub on its premises. You are always offered a cup of tasty
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