It is a traditional Ukrainian pastry, which is made during orthodox holiday, Honey Spas (the middle of August). It is a rather simple pastry with poppy-seeds saturated with honey.
The Classic Honey Cake or Medovik is an authentic Ukrainian cake, considered to be one of the most popular desserts in Slavic countries. According to the classic recipes, the honey cake is made with several layers. It takes a little to bake, but the whole process might take some patience.
The knyshi are mouth-watering and aromatic stuffed buns, very popular through Western Ukraine. Their filling varies very much – they can be stuffed with cottage cheese or jam, browned onion or cracklings... The bryndza, mashed potatoes, cheese or cabbage are used as filling in Hutsul cuisine.
The Povydlyanka is a mouth-watering pie made with jam and semolina. The Ukrainian soil is very fertile therefore the fruit jams are common in almost every big family. The highlight of this recipe is that one can use jam to taste.
The pumpkin dishes are very common in traditional Ukrainian cuisine. In general, the pumpkin came from America, however the Ukrainians had caught the fancy of it therefore as of today it is one of the protagonists of Ukrainian fare.
The national dishes of pumpkin are multifaceted. It can be used to make thin pancakes, pies, cookies, porridge and paste. Moreover, the pumpkin might be cooked in its own juice with raisins, dried pears and prunes. The pumpkin paste is an individual page of Ukrainia
Pampushkas are served with borsht and are Ukrainian cuisine's symbol on par with it. They have unusual taste and excellent scent that is impossible to withstand.
Pampushkas are small round dough rolls without filling. They are richly steeped with garlic sauce, which adds memorable taste and exotic scent to them.
The name 'pampushkas' has Italian and French roots, and German recipe. According to legend, this dish was first invented and cooked in Ukraine, but - by German colonists. The aromatic ro
The green borsht is a very popular dish in Ukraine. It was nicknamed the Spring borsht because of abundance of herbs and vegetables used as ingredients. During summer months, this borsht made with water is served cooled, in the winter months it is cooked with meat stock. Its name “the green borsht” is literal because the soup has green colour.
Tasty and fragrant borsht is the rich Ukrainian cuisine's trademark, in regard this original dish was described in literary works by Ukrainian and Russian classical writers for a reason. You won't find a housewife in Ukraine, who can't cook borsht, although it's not the simplest dish at all. It has plenty of components and complicated cooking techn
It is a worldwide famous dish. Of course, it is well-loved and praise mostly in Slavic countries, however, the simple Ukrainian dish is popular throughout Europe. The deruni (potatoes pancakes) is almost unvaried around Ukraine. Even Ukrainian classical writers gave credits to this dish, describing it in their literary works.
The traditional deruni
It is a tasty and nutritive salad, which requires only three main ingredients. It will be a great scarlet decoration at any table and will diversify the everyday fare. The finished salad can be dressed with ground walnuts.