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Biscuits Baturin
The biscuits or korzhiks Baturin are tasty and aromatic dessert to tea. They are very easy-to-cook, besides any nuts can be used to make them.
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Honey Shulicks with Poppy-seeds
It is a traditional Ukrainian pastry, which is made during orthodox holiday, Honey Spas (the middle of August). It is a rather simple pastry with poppy-seeds saturated with honey.
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Semolina Pudding with Cherries Poltava
The successful combination of semolina and cherries is responsible for flawless flavor that won’t leave any semolina’s fan indifferent.
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Pennik with Apricots
The Ukrainian apricot pie or pennik is vitamin-rich and easy-to-cook dessert.
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Cottage Cheese Babka with Raisins
It is a tender and delicious dessert based on cottage cheese. It won’t take long to cook it, and the cottage cheese’s fans will definitely enjoy it.
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Classic Honey Cake
The Classic Honey Cake or Medovik is an authentic Ukrainian cake, considered to be one of the most popular desserts in Slavic countries. According to the classic recipes, the honey cake is made with several layers. It takes a little to bake, but the whole process might take some patience.
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The knyshi are mouth-watering and aromatic stuffed buns, very popular through Western Ukraine. Their filling varies very much – they can be stuffed with cottage cheese or jam, browned onion or cracklings... The bryndza, mashed potatoes, cheese or cabbage are used as filling in Hutsul cuisine.
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The Povydlyanka is a mouth-watering pie made with jam and semolina. The Ukrainian soil is very fertile therefore the fruit jams are common in almost every big family. The highlight of this recipe is that one can use jam to taste.
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Pumpkin Pie with Raisins
The pumpkin dishes are very common in traditional Ukrainian cuisine. In general, the pumpkin came from America, however the Ukrainians had caught the fancy of it therefore as of today it is one of the protagonists of Ukrainian fare. The national dishes of pumpkin are multifaceted. It can be used to make thin pancakes, pies, cookies, porridge and paste. Moreover, the pumpkin might be cooked in its own juice with raisins, dried pears and prunes. The pumpkin paste is an individual page of Ukrainia
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Pampushkas are served with borsht and are Ukrainian cuisine's symbol on par with it. They have unusual taste and excellent scent that is impossible to withstand. Pampushkas are small round dough rolls without filling. They are richly steeped with garlic sauce, which adds memorable taste and exotic scent to them. The name 'pampushkas' has Italian and French roots, and German recipe. According to legend, this dish was first invented and cooked in Ukraine, but - by German colonists. The aromatic ro
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Goose Stuffed with Apples and Potatoes
Many people tend to associate the stuffed goose with a holiday. Firstly, because this dish looks festive and imposing, secondly, it is very delicious and mouth-watering. The recipe itself is very simple; however it requires lots of time and preparation because the goose should be marinated from night to soak in necessary amount of spices. There are
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It is a common beverage throughout Western Ukraine – the dried plums were soaked in water and cooked until the fruits almost dissolve. The drink bears strong resemblance to a dense kissel.
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The salad Shakhterskyi rose to fame during Soviet Union era. The successful combination of vegetables and meat is a key to salad’s richness and healthiness. Moreover, the salad can be served both warm immediately after being finished, and cooled, if it is stored in the fridge for several hours.
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Apple Solozhenik
The solozhenick is a traditional Ukrainian dessert made of eggs and cream. There are different variants of solozhenick with varied stuffing from jam to poppy-seed. It is hardly could be called a pastry because it is cooked over heat. The apple solozhenick boasts both tender flavor and pleasant fragrance.
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