There are a lot of variants of this dish; nevertheless the main ingredients – eggplants, garlic and mayonnaise – are always the same. This cooking of this appetizer won’t take long therefore it can be served piping hot.
Tasty and fragrant borsht is the rich Ukrainian cuisine's trademark, in regard this original dish was described in literary works by Ukrainian and Russian classical writers for a reason. You won't find a housewife in Ukraine, who can't cook borsht, although it's not the simplest dish at all. It has plenty of components and complicated cooking technology.
Borsht has many varieties and is cooked differently in different regions of Ukraine. Everything depends on products' combination and they can be very different. However, its main component - beetroot - is used in any kind of borsht without fail. It is beetroot that gives borsht its distinctive red color. Another first course's invariable ingredient is meat: it might be pork, beef or poultry depending on cooker's preferences. There is vegetarian borsht, though, where meat is usually replaced with kidney beans.
Containing multitude of ingredients - mainly meat, various vegetables and seasonings, as well as pork fat with garlic in some recipes - borsht definitely helps to strengthen immune system and keeps from catching cold in winter.
However, Ukrainian borsht's main advantage is its unbelievable taste! Freshly cooked borsht has an incomparable scent, and there is no substitute for its rich taste in the world.
Borsht is regularly served with sour cream and pampushkas with garlic.
The apple baked in pastry is one of the most popular Ukrainian desserts – a real classic of national cuisine. Its ingredients are exclusively natural and very beneficial products as apples, honey and walnuts. The mix of honey and walnuts gives the dessert an inimitable fragrance.
Some housewives prefer to add raisins and dried apricots into the stuffing, the other might stir some jam, caramel, or toffee therefore the apple will be sweeter. It depends on imagination and preferences. It’s better to choose not sweet apples with hard pulp so the dish will be excellent. If one bakes apples without pastry, the fruits will lose their fragrance because the pastry is a so-called protection that helps to catch the smell.
The baked apples are considered to be the winter dish therefore they are usually served to the Yule table. As a rule, the apples in pastry are served for tea, but according to the tradition it is better to eat them with a glass of milk.
The kulish is an age-old Ukrainian dish, popularized by Zaporizhian Cossacks. This pottage, made of millet, salo, potatoes and onions, was highly praised by Cossacks for its easy-to-cook and nutritive characteristics. Quite often, the kulish was a great substitute of full-fledged dinner during their military marches.
As of today, the Ukrainian housewives have considerably diversified the Cossacks pottage complimenting it with new ingredients as mushrooms, meat, haricot beans. The ideal kulish is considered to be cooked over an open fire; however, the home-made pottage isn’t inferior to the old original.
Nevertheless, if you want to enjoy the authentic Cossack’s dish, you’re better try to cook kulish over a fire in field conditions.
The green borsht is a very popular dish in Ukraine. It was nicknamed the Spring borsht because of abundance of herbs and vegetables used as ingredients. During summer months, this borsht made with water is served cooled, in the winter months it is cooked with meat stock. Its name “the green borsht” is literal because the soup has green colour.
Along with vareniki and salo, galushki is a very popular Ukrainian dish. It is a dumpling made of dough then boiled in water, milk or broth. They are cooked mostly with flour, adding semolina, cottage cheese or grated apples.
The galushki are easily cooked, and their recipes aren’t very varied. However, there are some variants that depend on a reg
It is one of the simple recipes for delicious and wholesome baked meat. The hot baked ham or buzhenina is a great compliment to any side dish, and the cold one will be a good meat starter during feats.
Пиццерия «Феличита», расположенная в центральной части Луцка, напоминает классический итальянский ресторанчик с аутентичной кухней и по-домашнему уютной атмосферой.
Основу меню заведения составляют разные виды пиццы на тонком хрустящем тесте, которую здесь готовят на живом огне в настоящей дровяной печи, и другие традиционные итальянские блюда: фе
Situated near the subway station Ploshcha Lva Tolstoho, the restaurant Under Wonder draws with exquisite cuisine, original interior and first-rate service.
Facility's menu is based on the Italian cuisine, adapted to national mentality. Under Wonder's salt is the so called table of abundance with various supplements to the dishes: freshly baked brea
The art café Manufactura is located in Ivano-Frankivsk’s very center, not far from the main city square.
Facility’s menu is based on European cuisine. One of art café’s specialties is 20 kinds of Belgian waffles and a vast coffee list.
The Manufactura’s small cozy room can accommodate up to 40 guests.
The art-restaurant Paris is situated in Kharkiv’s very heart, not far from the metro station Pushkinskaya. Its menu features dainty French dishes. There is a wide selection of cream soups, salads, side dishes, main courses and deserts. Restaurant’s special gastronomic feature is that all dishes are cooked exclusively on vegetable oil.
There are six