The varenukha is an authentic Ukrainian hot beverage, which is made of vodka or liquor with dried fruits, raisins, etc., honey, cinnamon or spicy roots. It is peculiarly cooked – mixed ingredients are placed in clay pot topped with dough or with a lid on, and then put into heated oven (from 5 hrs to 24 hrs). It is an easy-to-cook beverage however lots of time is required. Therefore if you want to surprise your guests, it’s better to take care of it beforehand.
The spotykach is commonly confused with liquors however there is a significant difference. The spotykach is sweeter, denser and more aromatic, and it is reckoned to be a dessert beverage. Following these directions any fruits can be used, nevertheless the recipe with blackcurrants is considered to be the classic one.
It is a common beverage throughout Western Ukraine – the dried plums were soaked in water and cooked until the fruits almost dissolve. The drink bears strong resemblance to a dense kissel.
In spite of a common opinion that arrow-wood is only a decorative bush it is well-known for its medicinal properties. It is used to cure flu – some people are used to make an arrow-wood tea, the others tend to eat it its berries. Moreover, one can make an age-old beverage kissel, which can help to fight thirst and will grant a necessary amount of vitamins.
The sbiten is an age-old Slavic beverage. It was well-loved in Kievan Rus for it unusual flavor and pleasant fragrance. It bears a resemblance to grog and mulled wine; however, the sbiten differs from its European brothers in using of alcohol – the Ukrainian drink is based on water.
The sbiten is a drink made with honey, different herbs and spices, which give it peculiar taste. This hot beverage possesses warming and anti-inflammatory effects, so it is served mostly in the winter.
The uzvar is a national Ukrainian beverage, cooked with dried fruits and berries. Moreover, some housewives tend to add species – cinnamon, star anise and nutmeg – that will give the drink an exotic flavor.
The main ingredients of uzvar are dried apples, pears, plums and raisins; sometimes fresh raspberries, blueberries or strawberries might be added. Nevertheless the protagonist and reason of inimitable flavor and fragrance is honey. It substitutes sugar.
The uzvar could be consumed both hot
Kissel is an original drink that is highly valued for its perfect taste, excellent aroma and useful properties, since Kievan Rus times.
In Rus fragrant and tasty kissel was made from oats, wheat and other cereal crops. Now it is boiled mostly from fresh or dries berries and fruits, fruit-and-berry juices and syrups adding potato or corn starch, which makes it very thick.
The starch makes kissel very nourishing and caloric, and fruits and berries - very healthy and rich with vitamins.
Besides fru
Kvass is a popular Slavic drink known since the Kievan Rus times. Made from rye or barley malt, it is not only very tasty, but refreshing and helpful for metabolic processes' normalization. Besides that, kvass is traditionally summer drink that perfectly slakes thirst and increases efficiency.
In order to make real kvass, you need minimum ingredients and maximum patience, for it is a very long process. Kvass's main components are rye bread, water, yeast and sugar. Some also add various herbs, d
Cottage cheese pancakes are national Ukrainian dish, with curd being its main ingredient. Many ask why curd pancakes are called 'cottage cheese pancakes'! The answer is simple: in Ukraine curd is commonly called cottage cheese, and from here the dish's name derives.
The main ingredients are curd (dry is the best), eggs and flour. The pancakes may b
Beetroot salad is not indigenous Ukrainian dish, moreover, not even Slavic. It is still unknown what people invented this vegetable salad, but it definitely became a permanent feature of Ukrainian cuisine long ago.
Beetroot salad is loved and valued on par with traditional national dishes here. It is made of boiled vegetables - potato, beetroot, ca
There are a lot of variants of this dish; nevertheless the main ingredients – eggplants, garlic and mayonnaise – are always the same. This cooking of this appetizer won’t take long therefore it can be served piping hot.