
Home / Recipes / Appetizers / Potaptsi with Tomatoes

Potaptsi with Tomatoes

Type: Appetizers
Servings: 4
Ready in: 20 min.
Calories: Middle
It is very tasty Ukrainian appetizer that always comes to help when one is pressed in time. The dish is easy and simple to cook, and it is served hot.


White bread 8 piece
Dairy butter 50 g
Tomatoes 3 pieces
Cheese 4 tbsp
Garlic 3 clove
Verdure 1 bunch
Salt 1 pinchs


Stages of cooking

Shape the squares or rectangles of bread slices, trim off crust of bread. Melt a little of butter in frying pan and fry them from both sides until golden.
Peel, core and mince the garlic. Spread the minced garlic over one side of the bread.
Grate the cheese; it is better to use the fine grater.
Slice the tomatoes. Put them on the garlic bread, and then dust with grated cheese.
Line the baking tray with baking parchment or aluminum foil, then put every piece of bread separately. Set the baking tray for 5-7 mins into oven preheated to 180C.
Put the potaptsi in plates, dress with herbs and serve hot.




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