The successful combination of semolina and cherries is responsible for flawless flavor that won’t leave any semolina’s fan indifferent.
Semolina 125 g
Cherries (fresh/chilled) 250 g
White bread 150 g
Milk 500 ml
Sugar 125 g
Vanillin to taste
Egg 2 pieces
Almonds 30 g
Dairy butter 1 tsp
Salt to taste
Powdered sugar 2 tsp
Stages of cooking
Bring the milk to the boil; add the salt, ground almonds, sugar, butter and semolina. Cook stirring occasionally until it is thickened.
Trim off the crust of bread, and grind the bread. Add the eggs to slightly cooled semolina and stir it up.
Rinse and deseed the cherries. Drain them on the paper napkin. Put more than a half of cherries to the semolina batter, stir it up.
Brush the baking pan with dairy butter, and put the semolina batter in. Set the remaining cherries on the top. Bake for 30 mins in oven preheated to 180C until it has a golden crisp.
Cool and dust with powdered sugar the finished semolina pudding. It can be dressed with fresh cherries and mint leaves. Serve cooled.
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