
Home / Recipes / Salads / Salad with Egg Pancakes

Salad with Egg Pancakes

Type: Salads
Servings: 4
Ready in: 45 min.
Calories: Middle
Due to home-made egg pancakes the salad will turn into unique and author dish of every cooker.


Chicken fillet 500 g
Sweet pepper 1 pieces
Onions 1 pieces
Egg 5 pieces
Mayonnaise 300 g
Salt to taste
Ground black pepper to taste
Table vinegar 1 tsp
Verdure to taste


Stages of cooking

Cook the chicken fillet in salted water with spices until ready. Set aside to cool, and then dice it.
Finely chop the peeled onion, and then drizzle it with vinegar.
Whip eggs, add the salt, and put the batter into the frying pan in parts. Cook as pancakes from each side.
Cool the egg pancakes, roll them and shred widthwise.
Rinse the pepper, discard the core and deseed it. Shred the pepper.
Combine all the ingredients, add the mayonnaise, stir well, and then sprinkle with chopped herbs.




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