
Home / Recipes / Desserts / Thick Pancakes with Apples

Thick Pancakes with Apples

Type: Desserts
Servings: 4
Ready in: 30 min.
Calories: High
In Ukraine thick pancakes are traditionally served for breakfast. These are small puffy pancakes fried from both sides on the pan. They can be of different kinds: sweet, salted, with or without filling. Sweet thick pancakes with raspberries or apples are the regular choice for breakfast. Along with many other Ukrainian dishes, pancakes are served with sour cream, sometimes also with honey, jam and different syrups.
Due to simple recipe, thick pancakes are the most popular and widespread breakfast in Ukraine. Moreover, they ensure satiation for a long period of time and provide organism with energy and necessary vitamins. This dish can be found both, at ordinary kitchens and in expensive restaurants' menus.
Ukrainian thick pancakes are somewhat similar to American pancakes, but they have more porous structure and fewer ingredients.
There are plenty of thick pancakes' recipes, with each housewife cooking them upon her own taste. For instance, in order to make the dish sweeter some add banana (instead of sugar) to dough. There are also Lenten thick pancakes: eggs are excluded from the recipe, and dairy products are replaced with water.


Kefir 250 ml
Sugar 50 g
Salt 0.5 tsp
Apple 1 pieces
Vegetable oil 4 tbsp
Flour 150 g
Soda 0.5 tsp
Ground cinnamon 2 tsp
Egg 2 pieces


Stages of cooking

Wash, peel, deseed and dice the apple.
Combine the eggs, sugar, and salt in a mixing bowl. Stir the soda in a glass of kefir, and then add to the mixing bowl. Stir well to avoid clots.
Add the apple and cinnamon to the batter.
Fry the thick pancakes in preheated frying pan with vegetable oil.
Fry from each side until they have a golden crisp.




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