
Home / Recipes / Mains / Lamb Dushenina

Lamb Dushenina

Type: Mains
Servings: 6
Ready in: >3 hours
Calories: Middle
The Lamb Dushenina is an age-old national Ukrainian dish, that as a matter of fact is meat braised with vegetables, however the vegetables are the subject to every cooker and their selection depends on his tastes and preferences. The dish is cooked either in a deep casserole over stove, or in a clay pot in oven, that also depends on cooker’s wish.


Lamb breast 700 g
Lamb ribs 400 g
Flour 2 tbsp
Dairy butter 3 tbsp
Potatoes 7 pieces
Onions 2 pieces
Cauliflower 200 g
Carrot 1 pieces
Sweet pepper 2 pieces
Pepper peas 5 pieces
Bay leaf 2 leaves


Stages of cooking

Rinse the lamb ribs, put them into casserole and pour the water over. Cook it for 1.5-2 hrs. Add the several allspice beans, salt, whole onion and spices to make the broth tastier. Remove the foam occasionally then strain the stock.
Cut the lamb breast into 1*1.5 cm pieces, dip in flour and fry them in butter until they have a slight golden crisp.
Peel and coarsely dice the potatoes. The classic recipe prescribes to use potato rings. Put the half of potatoes onto the saucepan bottom or another deep bowl, where you’re going to cook the dish.
Rinse the cauliflower, break it into florets; peel and cut the carrot widthwise; deseed, trim off the stem end and cut the sweet pepper. You can braise vegetable separately adding some lamb broth, or stew them in one bowl as this recipe says.
Peel and slice the onion. Put them following this sequence of layers.
1. The half of potatoes
2. The half of vegetables
3. The half of onion
4. All lamb
5. The second half of onion
6. The second half of vegetables
7. The second half of potatoes.
Cover it with broth; add the bay leaf and the remaining pepper beans. Braise for half an hour until cooked through. If the vegetables are braised separately, add them in the end and stir.




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