
Home / Recipes / Drinks / Kyselitsa


Type: Drinks
Servings: 6
Ready in: 1 hour
Calories: Low
It is a common beverage throughout Western Ukraine – the dried plums were soaked in water and cooked until the fruits almost dissolve. The drink bears strong resemblance to a dense kissel.


Fresh plum or prunes 500 g
Corn flour 3 tbsp
Sugar 150 g
Water 5 glass


Stages of cooking

Cover the rinsed fresh plums or prunes (200g) with water in casserole. Boil them soft, then deseed and rub them through a sieve.
Combine rubbed plums with a water where they were cooked in, and bring to the boil, add the sugar, slightly fried corn flour or semolina, and cook until ready.
The kyselitsa is served hot.




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