
Home / Recipes / Drinks / Blackcurrants Spotykach

Blackcurrants Spotykach

Type: Drinks
Servings: 0
Ready in:
The spotykach is commonly confused with liquors however there is a significant difference. The spotykach is sweeter, denser and more aromatic, and it is reckoned to be a dessert beverage. Following these directions any fruits can be used, nevertheless the recipe with blackcurrants is considered to be the classic one.


Blackcurrant 1 kg
Sugar 1 kg
Water 3 glass
Vodka 750 ml


Stages of cooking

Sort the blackcurrants out, then rinse, drain and mash them. Put the mashed blackcurrants on cheesecloth or thick fabric and squeeze the juice.
Pour water into the casserole. Add the sugar and stir it with a spoon. Put the casserole over heat and bring it to the boil. Occasionally remove the white foam produced during the cooking. Cook it until it is dense.
Combine the blackcurrants juice with sugar syrup, bring back to the boil and then set aside from heat. Add the vodka and stir it properly.
Put the casserole over low heat; cook it stirring permanently until the drink is dense. Don’t bring it to the boil. Then cool the spotykach, pour it in bottles and store in a cold place.




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