
Home / Recipes / Salads / Meat Salad

Meat Salad

Type: Salads
Servings: 6
Ready in: 30 min.
Calories: High
It is a very nutritious and tasty winter salad. The main ingredient is meat. Every meat can suit, so it is possible to choose it to taste.


Meat 500 g
Boiled potatoes 500 g
Pickled cucumber 300 g
Egg 5 pieces
Smetana (sour cream) 400 g
Mustard 30 g
Salt to taste
Ground black pepper to taste


Stages of cooking

Boil the eggs, let them cool, and then dice them finely.
Finely chop the potatoes, meat and pickled cucumbers.
Combine all the ingredients, dress the salad with sour cream and mustard. Sprinkle with salt and pepper to taste.




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