As a rule, the Ukrainian dessert Studen is based on dairy products and it is always very original and mouth-watering.
Tvorog (Cottage cheese) 300 g
Powdered sugar 100 g
Gelatin 2.5 tbsp
Water 1.5 glass
Apricot juice 125 ml
Apricots 200 g
Vanillin 5 g
Salt to taste
Stages of cooking
Soak the gelatin in two tablespoons of cold water. After it is swelled, cover it with boiling water and completely dissolve it; and then strain.
Drain the cottage cheese, rub it through the fine sieve and combine with powdered sugar, vanilla and apricot juice. Also the apricot jam could be used instead.
Rinse and deseed the apricots. Cut the apricots into wedges.
Heat the bowl with thick bottom. Then add 2-3 tbsp of sugar. When the sugar starts caramelizing, add some water to make syrup. Reduce the heat; the sugar should dissolve completely.
Put the apricots into simmering syrup, braise for 10-15 mins over very low heat. Put the bowl aside from heat and cool.
Put the remaining cottage cheese batter into the forms or glasses; decorate with caramelized apricots and syrup.
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