There are a lot of variants of this dish; nevertheless the main ingredients – eggplants, garlic and mayonnaise – are always the same. This cooking of this appetizer won’t take long therefore it can be served piping hot.
Eggplant 3 pieces
Tomatoes 2 pieces
Garlic 3 clove
Mayonnaise 200 *Choose*
Verdure to taste
Stages of cooking
Wash the eggplant, trim off the stem end, and slice the eggplant lengthwise. Season each side with salt.
Fry every slice from two sides in the frying pan. Put them onto paper napkin to get rid of the oil’s excesses.
Mince the garlic; then mix it with mayonnaise.
Brush one side of fried slice with mayonnaise-garlic sauce; then put the tomato’s piece onto the slice’s end and roll it up, beginning with a tomato’s end. The sauce and tomato should be inside the roll.
Cool and dress with herbs before serving.
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In spite of a common opinion that arrow-wood is only a decorative bush it is well-known for its medicinal properties. It is used to cure flu – some people are used to make an arrow-wood tea, the others tend to eat it its berries. Moreover, one can make an age-old beverage kissel, which can help to fight thirst and will grant a necessary amount of v
There are a lot of variants of this dish; nevertheless the main ingredients – eggplants, garlic and mayonnaise – are always the same. This cooking of this appetizer won’t take long therefore it can be served piping hot.