
Home / Recipes / Salads / Varya Hutsulska

Varya Hutsulska

Type: Salads
Servings: 6
Ready in: 1 hour
Calories: Low
This low-fat, tasty salad is very popular in Ukraine during fast. Either cooked or canned haricot beans can be used.


Boiled beetroot 500 g
White haricot beans 300 g
Prunes 250 g
Vegetable oil 100 g
Salt to taste
Ground black pepper to taste


Stages of cooking

Put the raw white haricot beans in 2 liters of cold water for 8 hrs. The haricot beans should soak and triple in size. Pour off the water 8 hrs later.
Put the haricot beans into the pot, cover with 1 liter of cold water, and cook through (approximately 60 mins). Add some water if necessary. Cool the haricot beans.
Dice or grate coarsely the beetroot.
Chop the prunes. Combine all the ingredients. Season the salad with salt and pepper to taste.
Dress the salad with vegetable oil, put it into salad bowl and decorate with herbs.




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