The meat rolls, or kruchenyky are commonly appraised among other dishes of Ukrainian cuisine, and there are many variants of recipe. Any meat and almost any stuffing could be used therefore every Ukrainian cooker prepares its signature kruchenyky.
The mezhivo is an authentic Ukrainian dish. Besides the vegetable one, there is the fruit mezhivo. It will better compliment the alcoholic beverage but it should be made beforehand.
The pumpkin dishes are very common in traditional Ukrainian cuisine. In general, the pumpkin came from America, however the Ukrainians had caught the fancy of it therefore as of today it is one of the protagonists of Ukrainian fare.
The national dishes of pumpkin are multifaceted. It can be used to make thin pancakes, pies, cookies, porridge and p
The finished salad is a light and beneficial vitamin cocktail, which will compliment any meal. The combination of apples and cinnamon will add special zest to the salad.