
Home / Recipes / Appetizers / Zayats or Ukrainian Bread

Zayats or Ukrainian Bread

Type: Appetizers
Servings: 4
Ready in: 1,5 hours
Calories: Middle
In fact, it is a baked meat dish with salo or vegetables. It is usually served during holidays.


Minced meat 800 g
Salo (pork fat) 300 g
Onions 2 pieces
Garlic 4 clove
Egg 4 pieces
Bread 2 piece
Semolina 2 tbsp
Milk 100 ml
Salt to taste
Ground black pepper to taste
Vegetable oil 1 tbsp
Breadcrumbs 2 tbsp
Caraway seeds 1 pinchs


Stages of cooking

It is better to use beef and pork mince meat. Mince the salo, onion, garlic, and add the mince meat.
Soak the bread slices in milk. There are not any strict instructions about the type of bread.
Add the eggs, semolina, salt, pepper, stir it up. Mince the soaked-in-milk bread, and then add it to the mince meat. Stir it well. Knead the batter for 2-3 mins.
Take the rectangular baking tray, line it with baking parchment and brush with vegetable oil and sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Put the batter in the baking tray and sprinkle with caraway seeds.
Heat oven to 200C. Bake the dish for 60-75 mins.
The Ukrainian bread is served cooled and diced.




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