The fertile Ukrainian soil always gives a great marrow’s harvest therefore the marrow paste is one of the well-loved summer dishes of Ukrainian. The marrow paste is spread over bread or simply eaten with a spoon. It’s a great appetizer or compliment to any dish.
Besides marrows, the paste boasts onions and carrots, in particular. Also there are several cooking methods: the paste can be fried or braised. The fried paste is made of the same ingredients however it isn’t braised therefore the vegetables don’t lose their shapes and it might be served as a salad. The braised paste bore a strong resemblance to purée and it is easily spread over bread.
The marrow paste is served for breakfast, dinner and supper alike. This dish doesn’t have any time frames – it’s very tasty, beneficial, and easy-to-cook.
Zucchini 3 pieces
Tomatoes 1 pieces
Carrot 2 pieces
Sweet pepper 1 pieces
Onions 1 pieces
Garlic 2 clove
Fresh green basil 5 leaves
Coriander 1 twig
Stages of cooking
Dice the washed and peeled marrows, tomatoes, carrots, pepper, onions.
Heat the frying pan; fry the diced marrow in the frying pan.
Fry the onion in the pan for 4-5 mins then add the remaining vegetables.
Add the minced herbs, garlic and fried marrows into the pan. Braise for 5-7 mins. Mix the finished paste in the blender until it looks like a purée.
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It is both delicious and beneficial salad. The fresh cucumbers and lettuce leaves will give freshness, and the tongue and bryndza are responsible for satiation and healthfulness.
Although they were invented in Lithuania, potato zrazy are traditional Ukrainian dish - Ukrainians substantially changed and enriched the recipe.
Ukrainian zrazy are stuffed potato. The filling can be different: meat, cabbage or mushrooms. Along with majority Ukrainian dishes zrazy are very rich, therefore, 2-3 pieces are enough to satisfy hunger p
Yushka is a traditional Ukrainian pottage. Earlier 'yushka' was a name for meat and fish broths that were basis for the majority of liquid dishes, in particular for ukha. Later, however, potatoes and other vegetables, pasta, beans, mushrooms and various cereals became yushka's components.
Yushka is cooked differently in different regions of Ukraine
It is popular Ukrainian home recipe. This appetizer is very nutritious and beneficial; however it can be served during fasting. The dish is very easy-to-cook and won’t take long to be made. It could be served as both appetizer and side dish.