
Home / Recipes / Desserts / Baked Pumpkin with Millet and Dried Fruits

Baked Pumpkin with Millet and Dried Fruits

Type: Desserts
Servings: 6
Ready in: 45 min.
Calories: Middle
The pumpkin dishes are very common in traditional Ukrainian cuisine. In general, the pumpkin came from America, however the Ukrainians had caught the fancy of it therefore as of today it is one of the protagonists of Ukrainian fare.
The national dishes of pumpkin are multifaceted. It can be used to make thin pancakes, pies, cookies, porridge and paste. Moreover, the pumpkin might be cooked in its own juice with raisins, dried pears and prunes. The pumpkin paste is an individual page of Ukrainian cuisine. It can be made over fire, in oven with milk, honey, and other ingredients.


Medium-size pumpkin 1 pieces
Millet 1.5 glass
Dried apricots 100 g
Raisins 100 g
Sugar 4 tbsp
Water 3.5 glass


Stages of cooking

Rinse the millet; put it into the pot with boiling water. Add the sugar and dried fruits. Cook until half-ready.
Trim off the top of the pumpkin, deseed it from the inside. Put the half-ready porridge into the pumpkin, put the pumpkin top back and set it in oven for 20-30 mins.
If you need stronger flavor and more nutritive properties, you might add nuts or sunflower seeds into the porridge.




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