
Home / Recipes / Desserts / Cottage cheese galushki

Cottage cheese galushki

Type: Desserts
Servings: 6
Ready in: 30 min.
Calories: Middle
Along with vareniki and salo, galushki is a very popular Ukrainian dish. It is a dumpling made of dough then boiled in water, milk or broth. They are cooked mostly with flour, adding semolina, cottage cheese or grated apples. The galushki are easily cooked, and their recipes aren’t very varied. However, there are some variants that depend on a region; for example, the Southern Ukraine boasts galushki in tomato sauce. Galushki is a second course, and they are served with sour cream, sometimes with gravy.


Flour 100 g
Tvorog (Cottage cheese) 600 g
Egg white 4 pieces
Dairy butter 30 g
Sugar 2 tbsp
Salt to taste


Stages of cooking

Mince the cottage cheese.
Add the diary butter, flour, sugar, salt, whipped egg whites, stir well.
Roll the dough out, and form a 1.5 cm thick roll. Cut 1.5 cm wide pieces.
Put the galushki into salted boiling water and cook for 15 mins. Serve with sour cream.




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