
Home / Recipes / Appetizers / Fried buns with potatoes

Fried buns with potatoes

Type: Appetizers
Servings: 8
Ready in: 2 hours
Calories: High
Fried bun is a great and versatile dish. It can be served as an appetizer, as well as a main course. The fried buns differ from the baked one in cooking techniques and flavors. Because of being fried, the buns have a golden crisp. These buns are very tasty and possess inimitable smell.


Yeast 25 g
Water 0.25 glass
Sugar 1 tsp
Flour 1 tbsp
Kefir 1 glass
Egg 2 pieces
Salt 2 tsp
Sunflower oil 150 ml
Flour 5 glass


Stages of cooking

Cut the washed and peeled potatoes into medium pieces.
Chop the peeled onion.
Boil the potatoes in salted water.
Brown the onion in preheated frying pan with vegetable oil.
Mash the potatoes then season with salt and pepper, add the fried onion.
Cover the yeast with warm water, and then add the sugar and flour. Stir well and put it aside for 25-30 mins.
Add the kefir, eggs, salt, and 60 ml of vegetable oil, and some flour; stir well.
Add the flour gradually. The dough shouldn’t be stiff and sticky.
Put aside the finished dough for 60-90 mins. It should double its size.
Brush the working surface with vegetable oil. Shape flattened pieces for buns.
Put one tablespoon of mince meat in the middle of the flattened ball, and then gather the dough up around the filling by pleating along the edges.
Heat the oil in the frying pan; fry the bun from each side until it has a golden crisp.
Put the finished buns on the flat surface and let them rest for 5 mins.




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