
Home / Recipes / Appetizers / Shynka


Type: Appetizers
Servings: 6
Ready in: 2 hours
Calories: Middle
Shynka (baked ham) is a traditional Ukrainian dish. It is cooked of piece of meat (chiefly of pork) seasoned with salt, pepper, minced garlic and other spices before baking it in the oven.
As many Ukrainian dishes, the shynka has it overseas analogues. Therefore, Austria and Germany boasts Schweinsbraten, and Quebec has rôti de porc, which literally means “baked pork”. In Russia, it is made of mutton or even bear meat and it is called buzhenina.
The shynka is traditionally baked in aluminum foil. Therefore the meat is wholly steamed; then it is baked soft and almost melts in the mouth. Some housewives prefer to cook shynka in the pastry.
It tastes best both hot and cool.


Pork 750 g
Mayonnaise 50 g
Mustard 20 g
Garlic 40 g
Hog casing 120 g
Salt 1 pinchs
Allspice to taste
Ajika 10 g
Carrot 80 g


Stages of cooking

Rinse the pork and make several pockets in it with a tip of a knife.
Put the carrot and garlic into the pockets.
Season the meat with mustard and mayonnaise.
Roll the meat into the aluminum foil.
Do it thoroughly wrapping edges of the foil inside so it will help to catch the meat juice.
Do it thoroughly wrapping edges of the foil inside so it will help to catch the meat juice.
After 40 mins, pull the meat out. Season it with ajika.
Wrap the seasoned meat in hog casing and cook for 10-15 mins therefore the fat will melt and brown.




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