
Home / Recipes / Salads / Mushroom Lawn

Mushroom Lawn

Type: Salads
Servings: 4
Ready in: >3 hours
Calories: High
This salad is a common guest at the Ukrainian feasts and it became the indispensable component of the holidays in many families long ago. The good combination of meat and mushroom is responsible for nutritious properties and magnificent flavor.


Pickled mushrooms 1 can
Meat 250 g
Potatoes 250 g
Carrot 150 g
Egg 2 pieces
Pickled cucumber 2 pieces
Verdure 40 g
Mayonnaise 200 g
Salt to taste
Ground black pepper to taste
Lettuce leaves 1 bunch


Stages of cooking

There is not any instruction about the meat in the salad, so you can choose whatever you want. Cook and cool it, then dice it.
Boil potatoes, carrot, eggs in salted water. Then cool and dice all the ingredients.
Chop the herbs and pickled cucumbers.
It is better to use the springform pan. If you don’t have one, just use the deep bowl with flat bottom.
Line the bottom with plastic wrap; brush it with butter so the salad will be separated easily.
Rinse the pickled mushrooms, drain them. Put them into the bowl or springform pan with stems up. Divide the herbs into two parts. Put the first one on mushrooms.
Then follow the sequence of layers: eggs, mayonnaise, carrots, mayonnaise, pickled cucumbers, mayonnaise, meat or ham, mayonnaise, potatoes, mayonnaise.
Put the lid on, and store the salad into the fridge so it will soak well. It should sit for at least 4 hours.
Rinse and then shape a fantail with the lettuce leaves in the flat plate that will be served at table. Cover the springform pan with flat plate, and then turn it upside down so the salad will be in the flat plate. Then carefully separate the springform pan and plastic wrap from salad.
Dress the salad with remaining herbs and mayonnaise.




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