
Home / Recipes / Mains / Mazuricks


Type: Mains
Servings: 6
Ready in: 2 hours
Calories: High
The mazuricks are extremely juicy and crisp turkey cutlets with melted cheese. It is considered to be one of the popular festive dishes of authentic Ukrainian cuisine.


Turkey fillet 1 kg
Cheese 150 g
Dairy butter 100 g
Egg 3 pieces
Milk 50 ml
Breadcrumbs 3 tbsp
Vegetable oil 3 tbsp
Thyme 1 pinchs
Salt to taste
Ground black pepper to taste


Stages of cooking

Rinse, drain and mince the turkey fillet. Melt the dairy butter and add to the mince meat, stir up well.
Add the eggs, milk, salt, pepper, flour and finely grated cheese to the mince meat. Stir it up well until fully combined.
Shape cutlets or sausages, dip twice in breadcrumbs. Put them into bowl; tightly put a lid on and store into fridge for 40 mins.
Heat the vegetable oil in frying pan, add several thyme twigs and minced garlic. Once garlic is browned, pull it out, along with thyme, from the oil.
Fry the mazuricks from both sides in spicy garlic oil until ready.
The mazuricks can be dressed with chopped garlic or herbs before served.




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