It is a tender and delicious dessert based on cottage cheese. It won’t take long to cook it, and the cottage cheese’s fans will definitely enjoy it.
Tvorog (Cottage cheese) 500 g
Sugar 250 g
Cinnamon to taste
Raisins 100 g
Cookies 50 g
Egg 3 pieces
Dairy butter 20 g
Smetana (sour cream) 100 g
Salt 1 pinchs
Stages of cooking
Soak the raisins in water (preheated to 65-70C) for 10-15 mins to get rid of wax layer and preservatives in raisins. Properly rinse it. Drain the raisins in the paper napkin.
Separate yolks from whites. Whip the whites with sugar until foamy.
Grind the yolks with cottage cheese and sour cream until they are fully combined.
Add the cinnamon and raisins, stir well. Heat oven to 180C. Crumble up the cookies in the blender.
Brush the baking pan with butter. Sprinkle the bottom with crumbled cookies. Put the cottage cheese batter into the baking pan, and bake it in the oven for 40 mins.
The Cottage Cheese Babka should be baked until it has a golden crisp.
Serve cooled with sour cream or jam. Also, the dish can be dressed with fresh or canned fruits and mint leaves.
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