
Home / Recipes / Drinks / Kissel


Type: Drinks
Servings: 4
Ready in: 1,5 hours
Calories: Middle
Kissel is an original drink that is highly valued for its perfect taste, excellent aroma and useful properties, since Kievan Rus times.
In Rus fragrant and tasty kissel was made from oats, wheat and other cereal crops. Now it is boiled mostly from fresh or dries berries and fruits, fruit-and-berry juices and syrups adding potato or corn starch, which makes it very thick.
The starch makes kissel very nourishing and caloric, and fruits and berries - very healthy and rich with vitamins.
Besides fruit ones, there are dairy and oat kissels, as well as kissels boiled from peas and vegetables.


Cherries (fresh/chilled) 200 g
Sugar 7 tbsp
Potato starch 3 tbsp
Water 1 l


Stages of cooking

Put the chilled cherries into the casserole; cover with water and cook over a medium heat.
Mash the cherries when the water boils therefore the beverage will be richer in taste. Cook for 5-7 mins.
Remove the cherries from the beverage.
Add the sugar, stir well; continue cooking.
Put the potato starch into the glass.
Pour the half-glass of water; mix well.
Pour the starch into the beverage, stirring all the time.
The kissel will be medium thick.




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