
Home / Recipes / Mains / Chicken Kiev

Chicken Kiev

Type: Mains
Servings: 1
Ready in: 45 min.
Calories: Middle
The Chicken Kiev is one of the most famous Ukrainian dishes – an indispensable position in world restaurant’s menus.
The origins of Chicken Kiev are very tangled. Every country tries to claim their rights onto inventing this exquisite and unusual dish. The French, German, Russian, and even American cuisine tried to authenticate their authorship of this dish. Whoever was the inventor, the Chicken Kiev is known and well-loved all over the world under this name. Moreover, even UK’s consumer basket boasts this dish.
The Chicken Kiev is a chicken fillet stuffed with dairy butter and herbs. It is served with potatoes and vegetables after being cooked because the butter will thicken quickly.


Chicken fillet 130 g
Dairy butter 20 g
Dill 2 g
Ground white pepper 1 g
Salt 2 g
Egg 1 pieces
Sunflower oil 100 ml
Breadcrumbs 50 g


Stages of cooking

Wash the chicken breast. Discard its carcass. Don’t throw the bone away.
Put the fillet on the food wrap; beat the fillet.
Season the beaten fillet with salt and pepper.
Stir butter and dill and put the mix onto the bone.
Roll the buttered bone into the fillet.
Fasten the edges well so the butter won’t escape during cooking.
Dip cutlet in the whipped egg.
Then dip the Chicken Kiev in the breadcrumbs. Do it several times.
Fry the cutlet in the frying pan with a lot of oil.
Put the cutlets on the baking tray and cook for 15 mins in oven to cook the meat through.




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