Shynka (baked ham) is a traditional Ukrainian dish. It is cooked of piece of meat (chiefly of pork) seasoned with salt, pepper, minced garlic and other spices before baking it in the oven.
As many Ukrainian dishes, the shynka has it overseas analogues. Therefore, Austria and Germany boasts Schweinsbraten, and Quebec has rôti de porc, which literall
Unmistakable smell, inimitable taste, different recipes are the main characteristics of salo, the visit card of generous Ukrainian soil. Salo is a principal national dish of Ukraine that always is present on festive table.
Salo is an animal fat, mostly, the pork one. It contains lots of A, D, E vitamins, and carotene. There are a lot of recipes of
The fertile Ukrainian soil always gives a great marrow’s harvest therefore the marrow paste is one of the well-loved summer dishes of Ukrainian. The marrow paste is spread over bread or simply eaten with a spoon. It’s a great appetizer or compliment to any dish.
Besides marrows, the paste boasts onions and carrots, in particular. Also there are se
Olivier is popular in the former USSR countries winter salad. It is regularly served at Ukrainians' New Year table on par with dressed herring and meat jelly.
The salad combines several interesting ingredients: boiled vegetables, eggs and meat. Meat choice may vary - from poultry to pork. Some housewives add beef tongue instead of meat in order to