
Home / Recipes / Salads / Salad Kiev with Meatballs

Salad Kiev with Meatballs

Type: Salads
Servings: 4
Ready in: 30 min.
Calories: High
It is one of many Ukrainian winter salads. It boasts good flavor and nutritious properties, and due to meatballs it can be served as a main course.


Boiled potatoes 400 g
Pickled cucumber 300 g
Canned green peas 1 can
Egg 5 pieces
Chicken fillet 400 g
Flour 2 tbsp
Milk 250 ml
Salt to taste
Ground black pepper to taste
Mayonnaise 150 g


Stages of cooking

Drain the canned green peas, dice the peeled potatoes and pickled cucumbers. Combine three ingredients, dress with mayonnaise and stir well.
Mince the chicken fillet.
Combine mince meat, flour, milk, 3 egg whites, salt, and pepper. It should be a rather liquid, mellow batter.
Shape little balls.
Fry the meatballs over high heat until they have a golden crisp, then reduce the heat and cook until ready.
Boil two remaining eggs for salad dressing.
Put the salad into the salad dish; decorate with boiled eggs, herbs and meatballs.




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