
Home / Recipes / Pickles / New pickles

New pickles

Type: Pickles
Servings: 4
Ready in: 1,5 hours
Calories: Low
New pickles are one of Ukrainians' favorite snacks. They are also an excellent supplement to vegetable and meat salads.
This dish is not just tasty, but healthy: new pickles help to cure atherosclerosis, stress, bad appetite. They also contain fibers that improve circulation in vessels and cure micro traumas.
Little cucumbers with thin peel are selected for pickling. They are poured over with pickle, which contains different herbs - dill, parsley, cilantro, tarragon, basil. The herbs shouldn't be too many, but for proper fermentation they are rather to be coarse.
Sometimes cherry or currant leaves are added to pickles. The dish also can't do without traditional Ukrainian spices, such as garlic, bay leaf, pepper.


Cucumbers 500 g
Cherry leaves 10 g
Blackcurrant leaves 10 g
Dill 10 g
Horseradish leaves 20 g
Chili pepper 10 g
Bay leaf 2 g
Garlic 10 g
Salt 40 g


Stages of cooking

Rinse the cucumbers; trim the stem and root ends off. The cucumbers should be of the same size.
Put the dill, black pepper peas, sliced chili pepper, garlic and leaves of horseradish, cherries, blackcurrant on the bottom of the glass jar. Then put cucumbers and cover them with leaves of horseradish and dill.
Boil 0.5 l of water; add the salt.
Pour the hot water into the glass jar with cucumber. Put the lid on; set aside for 24 hours to get salted at a room temperature. Thereafter, the new pickles can be served.




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