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Beetroot salad

Type: Salads
Servings: 6
Ready in: 1 hour
Calories: Middle
Beetroot salad is not indigenous Ukrainian dish, moreover, not even Slavic. It is still unknown what people invented this vegetable salad, but it definitely became a permanent feature of Ukrainian cuisine long ago.
Beetroot salad is loved and valued on par with traditional national dishes here. It is made of boiled vegetables - potato, beetroot, carrot - pickles, onions or scallions, sauerkraut, pickled vegetables. The salad is regularly seasoned with mixture of vinegar, vegetable oil, salt and pepper.
Due to the fact that it has no components of animal origin, beetroot salad is vegetarians' favourite dish. Being ideal Lenten dish, it is especially popular during Orthodox fasting.


Beetroot 4 pieces
Potatoes 3 pieces
Pickled cucumber 4 pieces
Carrot 3 pieces
Canned green peas 400 g
Vegetable oil 50 ml


Stages of cooking

Boil the potatoes, beetroot and carrot. Cool to the room temperature and peel them.
Put the green peas in the boiling water for 3 mins. It is possible to use the canned green peas.
Dice finely the potatoes and carrot. Put them into mixing bowl. Add the green peas.
Cut the beetroot and pickled cucumber into little pieces and add them to the mixing bowl. Dress with vegetable oil.




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