
Home / Recipes / Soups / Kulish


Type: Soups
Servings: 4
Ready in: 1,5 hours
Calories: Middle
The kulish is an age-old Ukrainian dish, popularized by Zaporizhian Cossacks. This pottage, made of millet, salo, potatoes and onions, was highly praised by Cossacks for its easy-to-cook and nutritive characteristics. Quite often, the kulish was a great substitute of full-fledged dinner during their military marches.
As of today, the Ukrainian housewives have considerably diversified the Cossacks pottage complimenting it with new ingredients as mushrooms, meat, haricot beans. The ideal kulish is considered to be cooked over an open fire; however, the home-made pottage isn’t inferior to the old original.
Nevertheless, if you want to enjoy the authentic Cossack’s dish, you’re better try to cook kulish over a fire in field conditions.


Millet 120 g
Potatoes 4 pieces
Salo with streak of meat 150 g
Onions 2 pieces
Carrot 1 pieces
Salt 1 pinchs
Parsley to taste


Stages of cooking

Wash the potatoes, onion and carrot. Dice them.
Add the millet into the boiling water, and then simmer it for 2-3 mins.
Add the potatoes and continue simmering.
Fry the onion and carrot in the frying pan.
Fry the salo in the frying pan until half-ready. Add everything to potatoes and millet. Cook for 10 mins over a medium heat.




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