
Home / Recipes / Desserts / Cottage Cheese Donut in Powdered Sugar

Cottage Cheese Donut in Powdered Sugar

Type: Desserts
Servings: 6
Ready in: 45 min.
Calories: High
It is an extremely easy-to-cook and delicious dish to tea. As opposed to dough donut, cottage cheese one boasts more tender and soft flavor. The cottage cheese donuts can be either stuffed or not.


Tvorog (Cottage cheese) 350 g
Flour 8 tbsp
Sugar 5 tbsp
Egg 3 pieces
Soda 0.5 tsp
Table vinegar 0.5 tbsp
Vegetable oil 700 ml
Powdered sugar 2 tbsp


Stages of cooking

Grind the cottage cheese with egg, stir through the flour. Add the sugar and knead dough with a spoon until fully combined. The dough should be elastic and viscous.
Combine the soda with vinegar, then add to the dough and stir it up well.
Shape the thick dough tube and then cut it into pieces. Shape the balls of the same size with wet hands.
Heat the vegetable oil, but don’t bring to the boil because you could possible burn the donuts. Put the first donuts into the big amount of vegetable oil. The donuts should sizzle once dipped into oil.
Fry the donuts for 4 minutes from each side, turning over with a fork. The donuts should be fried separately.
After 8 mins, pull the donuts out with sieve or perforated spoon, and put the next donuts. If the donuts are turned golden too quickly, then reduce the heat therefore the donuts will be cooked through.
Put the finished donuts onto the paper napkin to get rid of vegetable oil’s excesses.
Place the cottage cheese donuts onto the serving dish, dust with powdered sugar. Serve with sour cream, condensed milk or jam.




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