
Home / Recipes / Salads / Salad with Leek and Apples

Salad with Leek and Apples

Type: Salads
Servings: 2
Ready in: 20 min.
Calories: Low
This airy salad is definitely applied to the contemporary Ukrainian cuisine. It is better to eat the salad for breakfast, however due to high level of vitamin it can provide the energy and strength all day long.


Lettuce 100 g
Tvorog (Cottage cheese) 100 g
Apple 2 pieces
Raisins 50 g
Walnut 50 g
Grapes 150 g
Smetana (sour cream) 150 g
Lemon juice 1 tsp


Stages of cooking

Stew well the raisins in the boiling water for 20 mins. Set aside to cool.
Rinse the lettuce, and line the plate with it.
Finely slice the apple; then drizzle with lemon juice. Cut the grapes into half, and add the cottage cheese.
Put the fruit-cheese batter onto the lettuce leaves, and sprinkle with raisins. Dress with nuts.




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