
Home / Recipes / Soups / Ukha


Type: Soups
Servings: 6
Ready in: 2 hours
Calories: Middle
Ukha is thin hot fish dish, somewhat reminiscent of fish soup. Zaporizhian Cossacks used to cook it during their campaigns, since they could catch fish in the river, and vegetables were always at hand.
Different fish - mostly crucian, perch, redeye, carp - is used for making ukha. At the same time it is not recommended to make ukha from herrings, bream, roach, Caspian roach and sea roach. Firstly, the broth is made out of fish: it is boiled at low heat, without bringing to vigorous boil. Boiling time depends not so much on fish kind as on fish size: the larger the fish is, the longer it is cooked. The dish's specific is its totally transparent broth.
Then vegetables and different spices - from black pepper to saffron - are added to the broth and attach rich aroma to it. You can also give unusual taste to ukha by adding 50-100 g of vodka.
Ukha is the first course that may be served to festive or everyday table. The same as kulish, it is better to cook ukha outdoors.


Zander 1 kg
Potatoes 800 g
Carrot 150 g
Onions 150 g
Pepper peas 8 pieces
Bay leaf 3 pieces
Salt 0.5 tsp
Ground black pepper 1 pinchs
Verdure to taste


Stages of cooking

Cover the fish’s head and tail with water and cook for 25-30 mins. You won’t need them then.
Cut the fish into little pieces.
Chop the onion.
Grate the carrot on a medium grater.
Dice the potatoes, and add them to the boiling stock. Season it with pepper and salt.
Bring the potatoes to the boil, then add the fish and cook for 15 mins.
Add the carrot.
Add the onion and cook for 5-7 mins.
Add the bay leaf and pepper. Put it aside to rest for 25-30 mins. Serve it drizzled with herbs.




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