
Home / Recipes / Pastries / Biscuits Baturin

Biscuits Baturin

Type: Pastries
Servings: 6
Ready in: 1 hour
Calories: Middle
The biscuits or korzhiks Baturin are tasty and aromatic dessert to tea. They are very easy-to-cook, besides any nuts can be used to make them.


Flour 3.5 glass
Egg 5 pieces
Nut 1.5 glass
Smetana (sour cream) 0.5 glass
Sugar 1 glass
Dairy butter 200 g
White wine 2 tbsp


Stages of cooking

Boil and cool three eggs. Grind three boiled yolks with two raw yolks. Add the sour cream, butter, sugar and wine. Stir until fully combined.
Sieve the flour. Slowly add the flour to egg batter. Properly grind to avoid clots. Grind the half of nuts, and then add the nuts into the dough.
Line the baking tray with baking parchment, brush it with butter. Roll the dough out to 1cm thick, shape circles with a top of a cup or cookie cutter. Place them on the baking tray.
Sprinkle every biscuit with nuts, sugar and brush with yolk. Heat oven to 180C, bake until ready.




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