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Sauerkraut with Beetroot
Traditionally, sauerkraut is made with cabbage and carrot, which grant the dish with light flavor and milky colour, as it doesn’t have any coloring pigment. However, there is a plenty of sauerkraut recipes, including sauerkraut with beetroot, in particular. Such a combination boasts slightly exotic taste, as well as a bright scarlet colour. Moreover the sauerkraut with beetroot differs in shape. Unlike the shredded cabbage used in traditional recipe, the sauerkraut with beetroot features petal-s
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Sauerkraut is national Ukrainian dish that is served to both, festive and everyday table. It is not only very tasty, but extremely healthy as well: sauerkraut contains various vitamins and microelements necessary for human body. Sauerkraut is very easy to cook and includes just three components: white cabbage, carrot and salt. Some Ukrainian housewives also add cranberry, horseradish, apples or pumpkin to it. Sauerkraut is mostly served as a snack or salad. It is also added to first courses, suc
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Salo with garlic
Unmistakable smell, inimitable taste, different recipes are the main characteristics of salo, the visit card of generous Ukrainian soil. Salo is a principal national dish of Ukraine that always is present on festive table. Salo is an animal fat, mostly, the pork one. It contains lots of A, D, E vitamins, and carotene. There are a lot of recipes of salo – it can be salted, smoked, fried, or boiled. The best way to serve it is a canapé style – it is a piece of black bread, covered with thin piece
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New pickles
New pickles are one of Ukrainians' favorite snacks. They are also an excellent supplement to vegetable and meat salads. This dish is not just tasty, but healthy: new pickles help to cure atherosclerosis, stress, bad appetite. They also contain fibers that improve circulation in vessels and cure micro traumas. Little cucumbers with thin peel are selected for pickling. They are poured over with pickle, which contains different herbs - dill, parsley, cilantro, tarragon, basil. The herbs shouldn't b
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Cottage cheese pancakes
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