
Home / Recipes / Appetizers / Haricot Appetizer with Vegetables in Tomato Sauce

Haricot Appetizer with Vegetables in Tomato Sauce

Type: Appetizers
Servings: 4
Ready in: 2 hours
Calories: Low
It is popular Ukrainian home recipe. This appetizer is very nutritious and beneficial; however it can be served during fasting. The dish is very easy-to-cook and won’t take long to be made. It could be served as both appetizer and side dish.


White haricot beans 250 g
Carrot 2 pieces
Onions 2 pieces
Tomato paste 150 ml
Garlic 2 clove
Verdure to taste
Salt to taste
Ground black pepper to taste


Stages of cooking

Put the raw white haricot beans in 2 liters of cold water for 8 hrs. The haricot beans should soak and triple in size. Pour off the water 8 hrs later.
Put the haricot beans into the pot, cover with 1 liter of cold water, and cook through (approximately 60 mins). Add some cold water if necessary. Add the salt 20 mins before the end of cooking.
Coarsely grate or dice the carrot. Fry in frying pan until soft. Dice the onion, add to the frying pan, and fry for 10 minutes with onion.
Add the haricot beans, chopped garlic, salt, pepper, and spices to the vegetables. Stir well, and then add a little of water and tomato paste. Braise for 25-35 mins.
Serve portioned either hot or cold. Dress with lettuce leaves and sprinkle with herbs.




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