
Home / Recipes / Appetizers / Liver Paste

Liver Paste

Type: Appetizers
Servings: 8
Ready in: 1 hour
Calories: Middle
It is one of the well-loved entrée of Ukrainian families. The paste can be made with chicken, beef or pork liver, but the most light is the chicken pâté.


Chicken liver 800 g
Onions 400 g
Carrot 300 g
Dairy butter 150 g
Ground black pepper to taste
Salt to taste


Stages of cooking

Dice the onion, fry with butter or vegetable oil. The frying in butter will make the paste softer.
Coarsely grate the carrot, fry alone (without onion).
Rinse the liver, remove the liver membrane if possible, cut it and fry in the frying pan over medium heat. Don’t burn the liver. Sprinkle it with salt and pepper.
Mince all the ingredients in the blender or grinder. You can do it twice to be sure that all the ingredients are properly minced and combined. Stir well.
Add the butter to the paste, you might season it with salt and pepper to taste. Serve cooled, and store the liver paste in the fridge.




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