
Home / Recipes / Soups / Rosivnytsya


Type: Soups
Servings: 6
Ready in:
Calories: High
It is a national Ukrainian dish, which boasts original flavor. It is more common in Western Ukraine.


Baked ham 500 g
Sauerkraut 500 g
Corn grits 1 glass
Verdure 1 bunch
Onions 1 pieces
Carrot 1 pieces
Ground black pepper to taste
Pepper peas 5 pieces
Salt to taste


Stages of cooking

It’s better to use a home-made baked ham. The baked ham should be made of deboned pork meat baked in whole with spices.
For baked ham, rinse and drain the pork meat. Then marinate it and generously sprinkle with spices, let it rest for several hours to get impregnated completely. Also, you can make little pockets and put garlic cloves there.
Heat the oven to 180C. Bake the meat in aluminum foil or baking sleeve. Almost in the end, open the aluminum foil or trim off the top of the baking sleeve therefore the baked ham will have golden crisp.
Make a baked ham broth. Put the baked ham into the casserole, then pour 3 liters of water, add the onion, carrot, salt and pepper beans. Cook for 30 mins.
Strain the broth, pour it into casserole, add the sauerkraut, and cook it for 10 mins. Rinse the corn grits. Coarsely shred or dice the baked ham.
Add the corn grits and baked ham to the broth, cook the soup until ready. Season it with salt and pepper. Serve portioned dressed with chopped herbs.




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