Nalystnyks i.e. stuffed thin pancakes, is a traditional Ukrainian dish, which is rather simply to cook. Its stuffing varies a lot. If one uses the savory stuffing (mushrooms or meat), it is served as a main course, if the stuffing is sweet (fruits or berries), they are served as a dessert.
One of the most popular nalystnyks is the one stuffed with cottage cheese. It is national Ukrainian breakfast. It is a quick-to-cook dish that possesses inimitable taste and provides lots of energy and vitamins for the day.
Commonly, nalysnyks are served with sour cream, or if they are sweet, it is better to complement them with jam. Moreover instead of being wrapped as an envelope, nalystnyks could be served rolled up into the tube or cut into pieces.
Flour 200 g
Milk 500 ml
Salt 1.5 tsp
Champignon 250 g
Sunflower oil 2 tbsp
Ground black pepper 0.5 tsp
Egg 3 pieces
Sugar 1 tsp
Sunflower oil 2 tbsp
Onions 1 pieces
Stages of cooking
Chop the drained and peeled mushrooms.
Chop the peeled and washed onions.
Heat the vegetable oil in the frying pan. Fry the mushrooms and onions. Season them to taste with pepper and salt. Cook for 15-20 mins under the lid, and for 10-15 mins without the lid.
Put the stuffing in the bowl; cool it.
Mix the eggs, salt, flour and sugar in the mixing bowl. Stir it thoroughly.
Knead the pastry well until it is elastic and completely combined.
Add continuously 2-3 tablespoons of milk into the pastry, stirring thoroughly (as you try to dissolve the pastry) and trying to avoid clots. The milk should be of a room temperature.
The pastry should be liquid and completely combined.
Fry pancakes in the preheated pan, every time coating it with vegetable oil.
Put the stuffing onto the pancake’s edge.
Wrap the pancake into an envelope.
The finished pancakes could be served either hot, or cooled.
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