Many people tend to associate the stuffed goose with a holiday. Firstly, because this dish looks festive and imposing, secondly, it is very delicious and mouth-watering. The recipe itself is very simple; however it requires lots of time and preparation because the goose should be marinated from night to soak in necessary amount of spices. There are
Along with vareniki and salo, galushki is a very popular Ukrainian dish. It is a dumpling made of dough then boiled in water, milk or broth. They are cooked mostly with flour, adding semolina, cottage cheese or grated apples.
The galushki are easily cooked, and their recipes aren’t very varied. However, there are some variants that depend on a reg
Tasty and fragrant borsht is the rich Ukrainian cuisine's trademark, in regard this original dish was described in literary works by Ukrainian and Russian classical writers for a reason. You won't find a housewife in Ukraine, who can't cook borsht, although it's not the simplest dish at all. It has plenty of components and complicated cooking techn