
Home / Recipes / Drinks / Sbiten


Type: Drinks
Servings: 4
Ready in: 45 min.
Calories: Low
The sbiten is an age-old Slavic beverage. It was well-loved in Kievan Rus for it unusual flavor and pleasant fragrance. It bears a resemblance to grog and mulled wine; however, the sbiten differs from its European brothers in using of alcohol – the Ukrainian drink is based on water.
The sbiten is a drink made with honey, different herbs and spices, which give it peculiar taste. This hot beverage possesses warming and anti-inflammatory effects, so it is served mostly in the winter.
Nevertheless, it could be poured cooled: it doesn’t lose its beneficial properties and might quench the thirst.


Honey 300 g
Water 1.2 l
Cardamom 7 pieces
Cinnamon 1 pieces
Hot pepper 1 pieces
Nutmeg 1 pieces
Allspice 6 pieces


Stages of cooking

Dissolve the honey in 90C water.
Add the pepper.
Add the ground nutmeg. Put aside for 20 mins.
Bring back to the boil.
Add the allspice.
Add the cinnamon.
Add the cardamom.
Simmer for 3 mins, and then let it rest for 15 mins.




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