
Home / Recipes / Drinks / Kvass


Type: Drinks
Servings: 4
Ready in: 2 hours
Calories: Middle
Kvass is a popular Slavic drink known since the Kievan Rus times. Made from rye or barley malt, it is not only very tasty, but refreshing and helpful for metabolic processes' normalization. Besides that, kvass is traditionally summer drink that perfectly slakes thirst and increases efficiency.
In order to make real kvass, you need minimum ingredients and maximum patience, for it is a very long process. Kvass's main components are rye bread, water, yeast and sugar. Some also add various herbs, dried fruits and berries to kvass.


Rye bread 500 g
Sugar 300 g
Yeast 15 g
Water 2 l


Stages of cooking

Cut the bread into medium pieces.
Dry bread in the oven. Remember, the browner rusks, the darker and bitterer the kvass will be.
Put the rusks into the pot.
Pour hot water into the pot.
Let the water cool; don’t pull rusks out.
After the water is cooled, strain it in the bowl.
Add the sugar into the strained water.
Add the yeast into the sugared water and stir it well. Cover the bottle with a piece of fabric and put it aside to rest for 1-2 days. Strain the kvass after the mentioned time.




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