
Home / Recipes / Pastries / Verguny


Type: Pastries
Servings: 8
Ready in: 1 hour
Calories: High
Verguny is a traditional Ukrainian delicacy. It is a confectionery from batter fried in high quantity of vegetable oil and covered with icing sugar.
Cognac, rum or vodka are often added to verguny's batter, in order to make them piquant. If you roll out the paste very thin, verguny will be crispy, if you make it thicker, they will come out soft like rolls.
While verguny are traditionally considered to be a desert, they may be not only sweet, but salty as well. Both are regularly served with sour cream.


Egg 2 pieces
Flour 150 g
Powdered sugar 50 g
Vegetable oil 100 g


Stages of cooking

Whip the eggs.
Add the flour.
Knead the stiff pastry.
Roll the pastry out; it should be 1 mm thick.
Cut the pastry into the medium rhombs.
Make a cut in the middle of the rhombs; pull one side of the rhomb through the cut.
Fry the verguny in very hot oil.
Put them on the paper napkin and dress with powdered sugar.




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