
Home / Recipes / Soups / Kapustnyak Zaporizhian

Kapustnyak Zaporizhian

Type: Soups
Servings: 6
Ready in: 1 hour
Calories: Middle
Kapustnyak is a soup from sauerkraut that is very popular not only in Ukraine, but in many other countries of the world. It is a very rich, tasty and, in addition, healthy dish. It is a direct rival of famous Ukrainian borsht.
Kapustnyak's main ingredient is sauerkraut. If it's too sour, it should be washed with cold water. Besides sauerkraut, meat - rather pork, which adds rich flavor and aroma to the dish - and various vegetables - potato, onion, carrot, herbs and spices - are added to kapustnyak. It is seasoned with mixture of dairy butter, flour, sour cream and garlic. Kapustnyak with millet is called 'Zaporizhian', while it was cooked by Ukrainian Cossacks since early times.
Kapustnyak is regularly served with sour cream sprinkled with herbs.


Pork 500 g
Sauerkraut 600 g
Potatoes 400 g
Millet 2 tbsp
Carrot 1 pieces
Parsley 1 pieces
Onions 1 pieces
Dairy butter 3 tbsp
Salted pork fat 50 g
Smetana (sour cream) 4 tbsp
Water 2 l
Salt to taste
Ground black pepper to taste
Bay leaf 2 leaves
Celery 1 pieces


Stages of cooking

Drain, chop and braise the sauerkraut until half-ready. Add the dairy butter and pork stock.
Shred the carrot, celery and parsley root, and a part of onions; fry in dairy butter.
Mince the pork fat. Add the remaining onions, parsley, and a little of stock; mash them in the mortar.
Add the peeled and diced potatoes in the pork stock and cook for 10-15 mins. Add the braised sauerkraut, millet and cook until ready.
Add the mashed pork fat 7-10 mins before it is ready. Season the kapustnyak with salt, pepper and bay leaf.
The kapystnyak is served in plates with chopped pork, parsley and sour cream.




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