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Poppy-seed roll
Pastry with poppy-seed stuffing is very popular in Ukrainian cuisine. The most frequent guest on Ukrainian table is poppy-seed roll. It is made of short pastry and baked in oven. This dish has an inimitable aroma and extraordinary taste. Poppy-seed roll's traditional recipe has no other stuffing. But today, each housewife adds something special to it. Thus, poppy-seed rolls with custard, apples, dried fruits, nuts or curd originated. There are different ways to design the roll. Traditional appea
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Easter cake
Easter cake is a traditional Ukrainian dish that formerly was cooked only for great holidays. Today this rich leavened bread is baked only for Easter, and from here derives its name. Easter cake's distinctive feature is that it consists of many eggs and fats. The dough is rather heavy, and therefore, it should be kneaded for a long time. Kneading saturates it with oxygen and the dough becomes airy. It is also very important to make the Easter cake in warm draft-free room, for yeast dough may nev
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Sochniki is a traditional Ukrainian delicacy. This Ukrainians' favorite desert is a small cottage cheese patty from sweet short pastry. The cottage cheese can be not only a stuffing, though, but a component of the dough for sochniki. Some stuff sochniki with different berries and fruits: cherry, strawberry, blueberry and other. They are served as a desert to tea.
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Verguny is a traditional Ukrainian delicacy. It is a confectionery from batter fried in high quantity of vegetable oil and covered with icing sugar. Cognac, rum or vodka are often added to verguny's batter, in order to make them piquant. If you roll out the paste very thin, verguny will be crispy, if you make it thicker, they will come out soft like rolls. While verguny are traditionally considered to be a desert, they may be not only sweet, but salty as well. Both are regularly served with sour
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Mushroom Lawn
This salad is a common guest at the Ukrainian feasts and it became the indispensable component of the holidays in many families long ago. The good combination of meat and mushroom is responsible for nutritious properties and magnificent flavor.
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Beetroot Soup (Kholodnik)
The cold soups are very popular during summer season. Two most famous Ukrainian cold soups are okrosha and beetroot soup (commonly known as kholodnik or svekolnik). There are both lean and meat beetroot soups.
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Apples baked in pastry
The apple baked in pastry is one of the most popular Ukrainian desserts – a real classic of national cuisine. Its ingredients are exclusively natural and very beneficial products as apples, honey and walnuts. The mix of honey and walnuts gives the dessert an inimitable fragrance. Some housewives prefer to add raisins and dried apricots into the st
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Pepper Mezhivo
The mezhivo is an authentic Ukrainian dish. It can be cooked with pepper, eggplant, pumpkin, tomatoes, plums, beetroot, marrow, etc. The mezhivo is frequently made during fast.
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