
Home / Recipes / Salads / Classic Mimosa

Classic Mimosa

Type: Salads
Servings: 8
Ready in: 45 min.
Calories: High
It is a tender layered salad, a very frequent guest on a festive Slavic table. The salad’s name comes from the yellow flower mimosa that’s why the salad’s top is dressed with egg yolk. The main ingredient is tinned fish. The classic recipe features mackerel or saury, however the contemporary Ukrainian housewives might use tinned tuna or salmon. The golden rule of delicious Mimosa is the right sequence of layers. It is better to serve the salad in a transparent bowl so the every layer of it is visible.


Egg 6 pieces
Carrot 2 pieces
Potatoes 4 pieces
Canned mackerel 1 can
Onions 1 pieces
Mayonnaise 200 g
Salt to taste
Ground black pepper to taste


Stages of cooking

Boil the potatoes, carrot, eggs. Cool them. Peel the vegetables and eggs.
Grate finely the potatoes and carrot. Separate the yolks from whites, grate them too. Don’t combine the ingredients.
Dice the onion. The salad could feature either raw onion or soften – put it into boiled water for 10 minutes.
Pour off the oil from tinned fish. Discard the bones from the fish. Grind the mackerel with fork.
Set the salad following the succession of the layers: fish, a thin layer of mayonnaise, whites, a thin layer of mayonnaise, carrots, a thin layer of mayonnaise, onion, potatoes, a thin layer of mayonnaise, and the last layer is grated yolks. Put the salad in the fridge to get saturated.




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