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Ukha is thin hot fish dish, somewhat reminiscent of fish soup. Zaporizhian Cossacks used to cook it during their campaigns, since they could catch fish in the river, and vegetables were always at hand. Different fish - mostly crucian, perch, redeye, carp - is used for making ukha. At the same time it is not recommended to make ukha from herrings, bream, roach, Caspian roach and sea roach. Firstly, the broth is made out of fish: it is boiled at low heat, without bringing to vigorous boil. Boiling
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The kulish is an age-old Ukrainian dish, popularized by Zaporizhian Cossacks. This pottage, made of millet, salo, potatoes and onions, was highly praised by Cossacks for its easy-to-cook and nutritive characteristics. Quite often, the kulish was a great substitute of full-fledged dinner during their military marches. As of today, the Ukrainian housewives have considerably diversified the Cossacks pottage complimenting it with new ingredients as mushrooms, meat, haricot beans. The ideal kulish i
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Green borsht
The green borsht is a very popular dish in Ukraine. It was nicknamed the Spring borsht because of abundance of herbs and vegetables used as ingredients. During summer months, this borsht made with water is served cooled, in the winter months it is cooked with meat stock. Its name “the green borsht” is literal because the soup has green colour. Mostly the main ingredient of the green borsht is a sorrel, which gives it a bright green colour. Nevertheless, the other herbs as parsley, dill and bay
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Kapustnyak Zaporizhian
Kapustnyak is a soup from sauerkraut that is very popular not only in Ukraine, but in many other countries of the world. It is a very rich, tasty and, in addition, healthy dish. It is a direct rival of famous Ukrainian borsht. Kapustnyak's main ingredient is sauerkraut. If it's too sour, it should be washed with cold water. Besides sauerkraut, meat - rather pork, which adds rich flavor and aroma to the dish - and various vegetables - potato, onion, carrot, herbs and spices - are added to kapustn
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Cod Liver on Toasts
The cod liver is a great compliment to alcoholic beverage due to its high fat content.
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Barkhatnyi with Prunes
It is a tasty and nutritive salad, which requires only three main ingredients. It will be a great scarlet decoration at any table and will diversify the everyday fare. The finished salad can be dressed with ground walnuts.
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Poppy-seed roll
Pastry with poppy-seed stuffing is very popular in Ukrainian cuisine. The most frequent guest on Ukrainian table is poppy-seed roll. It is made of short pastry and baked in oven. This dish has an inimitable aroma and extraordinary taste. Poppy-seed roll's traditional recipe has no other stuffing. But today, each housewife adds something special to
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Verguny is a traditional Ukrainian delicacy. It is a confectionery from batter fried in high quantity of vegetable oil and covered with icing sugar. Cognac, rum or vodka are often added to verguny's batter, in order to make them piquant. If you roll out the paste very thin, verguny will be crispy, if you make it thicker, they will come out soft lik
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